On Friday this week (6th June) Doug will be taking part in the first design charrette organised by new social enterprise Curating Place. The purpose of the enterprise is to reconnect design with construction and provide valuable experience and possibly even employment to young people across the construction industry. This sounds like a cause worth supporting.
Category Archives: News
Science for Society Foresight Workshop
Doug has been invited as an external expert to a European Commission foresight workshop next week to examine the trends in science and technology that could lead to significant beneficial change for European society. The workshop will take place over 27th & 28th March in Brussels.
Project win at Maltese Brewery
Doug has been appointed to work alongside Ian Ritchie Architects in preparing a master plan and concept designs for a new visitor centre and business park at Farsons Brewery on Malta. Farsons came to prominence in the environmental design sector in the late 1980s when it commissioned Europe’s largest passively conditioned industrial building from Brian Ford and Alan Short of Peake Short and Partners. All three, Brian, Alan and the building have all gone on to achieve distinguished careers in environmental design and have been influences on Doug’s own thinking in the field.
University of Ulster Conference 14th January
On Tuesday 14th January Doug will be speaking at a conference to introduce SuLA, the Sustainable Living Assistant, a new project by the University of Ulster Centre for Sustainable Technologies in collaboration with the European Union’s Northern Periphery Programme. Contact Mark Anderson at University of Ulster 028 903 66563 for details.
Two Debates
Doug is feeling argumentative. Next week he will be taking part in two debates:
1. Monday 9th December at the Cambridge Union Doug will help to argue against the motion “This house believes that BIM is the answer”. This debate is being hosted jointly by The Edge and Cambridge IDBE. Come along and join in if you are in Cambridge.
2. Tuesday 10th December sees the debut Saint Gobain online debate to discuss the motion “There is no useful definition of what a sustainable building is”. Doug will be arguing for the motion and the debate runs until 20th December with the usual to and fro with plenty of opportunity for contributions from the online audience.
Please do join in these important discussions. More details can be found by following the links above.